Canine Health

Welcome to our health page where you will find links to numerous pieces of information connected to canine health. It has to be said that due to the continuing research that science gives us im sure that this will be a long standing project.

I would like to point out that the information that you will find in this section will mostly be written by myself and is covered by copyright so therefore should not be reproduced either manually or mechanically for any purpose without first seeking my permission. Anyone found doing so will be in breach of copyright rules and will be dealt with accordingly.

 The articles are my understanding of the science that is the health of the canine and will be completely my own personal views HOWEVER if there is any material produced on here that has been the work of others ALL CREDIT STATUS will be acknowledged to the author and in the instance of reproducing articles prior permission will be sought and granted from the original author.


CEA - A simple explanation on this condition and how to avoid it

MDR1 - The facts about the mutation in a simple explanation


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